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About Possum Website Designs

            Possum website designs started out as part of awesome-possum.com. We went live June of 2005. We have been making low-cost quality websites for small businesses. The owner's name is Ryan Churchill. We work really hard and I promise you that you will be treated as if you were or only client and we were working with our own site. Customer service is in my opinion one of the most important things a business must have to succeed.

            We know there are thousands of choices out there when it comes to website designers. So we appreciate the time you took to look over our site. We take pride in our work, and I personally feel there is no one out there that can match our quality and prices. If you have any questions or comments please feel free to email me. webmaster@awesome-possum.com.

             If you know someone that needs a good website, you can refer them and earn a commission. Please email me for more information. Also if you took the time to read this, then email me and  mention the code word "monkey" and get 5% off any one of our packages.


Privacy Policy / Terms and Conditions

Privacy Policy: Any information obtained from our website is strictly for our own use only. It sill not be sold. We have a hard stand against spam, and you will not receive any unwanted emails from our website.

Terms: Our satisfaction guarantee is for 30 days after the website has gone live. During that time we must have the opportunity to fix the problem. If after 30 days no solution can be reached we will gladly refund your money. If we can not get a hold of you, then your problem will be considered solved and no refund given. There may be further terms or conditions depending on the circumstance. Contact the webmaster with any further questions.  No money to hosting companies can be refunded. That is a matter you will have to take up with them. We are not affiliated with any hosting company or domains sales company.  We do not create any illegal, gambling or hacking related websites.  All websites we create will have a contract. You will be required to agree to the terms and prices drawn up with every contract prior to working on the website. We require a 50% deposit on all work prior to starting. This money is only refundable if claimed within 30 days of start of project. Just because you have a website does not mean you will be successful online. We do not make any guarantees on performance, search engine placement, or income. Our going rate for any services done  out side of packages, or pre-negotiated deals is $25.00 and hour.  We do not do flash websites. Certain expenses may come up to add on to your deal. Such as logo creation, form hosting, and royalty charges on images. These items will be negotiated out side the terms of any pre-negotiated contract.

Conditions: Special coupons and combined deals are only allowed to use 1 per site. Other restrictions may apply. Email the webmaster with your comments or concerns and we will be happy to explain our rules. Our website design service does not make mandatory completion dates for websites. We agree to create a site in a timely manor. Certain things may interfere. We are not liable for your website if it gets hacked, or accidentally deleted once we deliver it to you and go live. We do maintain a back up of your completed website for 1 year, which you can purchase from us for $15.95  if your website happens to disappear. Each contract has different updates allowed, or time periods. Each one will be handled on a case by case basis. All complaints must be emailed to webmaster@awesome-possum.com


Content Copyrights of www.possumwebsitedesign.com 2005 All Rights Reserved.

We offer a satisfaction guarantee on all of our services.  All information obtained through our services is strictly confidential and will not be used in any means other than for our own personal use. 
 You will find our personal website design service to be the best deal there is. I hope you choose us to help  get your business established on the internet.
-Ryan Churchill Webmaster

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